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There are numerous advantages of rainfall. Rainwater is a major fresh water source, and is excellent in a survival situation. Rainwater also helps crops grow.

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1mo ago

Advantages of natural rain include providing fresh water for plants and animals, replenishing groundwater, and helping to regulate temperatures. However, disadvantages can include causing flooding and erosion, spreading diseases through contaminated water, and disrupting transportation and infrastructure.

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10y ago

There are a great many advantages and disadvantages of natural rain. One advantage is that you don't have to water plants.

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What are the disadvantages and advantages of heavy rain?

PROS: Amazing graphics voice acting motion captued actors rain water kids scariness BOOBS CONS: kids dying swearing not enough BOOBS sometimes confusing getting stabbed but theres no blood on the knife

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Australia's landforms?

Advantages of Australia's landforms include diverse ecosystems supporting unique flora and fauna, natural resources like minerals and energy reserves, and tourism attractions such as the Great Barrier Reef. Disadvantages may include challenges in agriculture due to arid conditions, vulnerability to natural disasters like bushfires and droughts, and limited arable land for cultivation.

What is plantation timber and what are the advantages and disadvantages of growing and using plantation grown timber?

Plantation timber refers to trees grown on managed plantations for commercial purposes. Advantages include sustainable production, faster growth rates compared to natural forests, and reduced pressure on natural ecosystems. Disadvantages may include risks of monoculture, potential for soil degradation, and impacts on local biodiversity if not managed properly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of water supply from rivers reservoirs and groundwater?

Advantages of water supply from rivers include ample supply, natural filtration, and potential for hydropower generation. Disadvantages can include contamination risks, susceptibility to droughts, and environmental impacts. Advantages of reservoirs include water storage capacity, flood control, and recreation opportunities. Disadvantages can include displacement of communities, habitat destruction, and water quality issues. Advantages of groundwater supply include reliability, quality, and independence from surface water conditions. Disadvantages can include depletion of aquifers, saltwater intrusion, and potential contamination from industrial sources or agricultural runoff.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of seashells?

Advantages of seashells include their natural beauty and the variety of shapes and sizes they come in. They are also used in crafts and jewelry making. Disadvantages can include the ecological impact of collecting shells from the beach, and the fragility of some shells which can break easily.

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