

Best Answer

Chaos on the roads


People falling over

Some adults not earn money because they can't go to work

People can't get about

Old age pensions can't go out because they are scared or can't walk in snow and icy

People have to use more heating for the house which they can't afford

Animals are struggling to find food

People can't go to work because transports are broken down

Trains can't run

People breaking bones by falling over

People are in hospital with pneumonia and cold infections

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Benefits: Snow storms can provide much-needed precipitation for regions experiencing drought, replenish water sources, and contribute to a healthy snowpack for winter sports and recreation.

Disadvantages: Snow storms can disrupt transportation, cause power outages, increase the risk of accidents and injuries, and lead to property damage due to heavy snow accumulation.

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15y ago

it's dangerous to drive in and it's cold and messy. and it looks gross when it melts. * that you could foll and you are a real stupid bitch Well, it falls from the clouds and floats to the ground. Looks pretty while doing that. However, while it's looking pretty falling from the clouds, snow cleans the air. Picking up all the dirt and pollution on the way down. Oh yeah, don't eat the yellow snow either.

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12y ago

snow can cause a lot of problems like schools being closed and types of transport not being able to get around

i hope this answers your question because i don't have any time to write anything else so ill come back later

bye bye for now peeps !!! XD xx

Well, it can also be frost bite and pneumonia! Just like before, the snow can freeze and the roads get slick and slippery so your car or you can slip!!!!!

The Nemolover

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12y ago

Benefits: it is fun to play in, it looks beautiful and amazing, it gets you into the spirit of Christmas, the snow kills all lying germs on the surface ground, children get days off school if the snow is heavy, people- adults

and children love it!

Disadvantages: airports get shut down and many flights are cancelled so If you were planning to go anywhere then you can't, train stations close down as well meaning less transport, you can't go anywhere, the roads are very slippery and you can slip on ice and die, it is hard to drive through and you can get stuck in it with your car, it can turn into black ice which is deadly, roads are blocked, people can die during severe snowfalls because of the cold and being stuck in a heavy snowfall, also when it starts to melt it looks disgusting.

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14y ago

snow is not alwaysdangerous it depends how deep it is.

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14y ago

Millions of dollars spent clearing the roads and even more millions of dollars in damage and deaths from traffic accidents.

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12y ago

sliseing and getting into a wreck

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Braydon Skinner

Lvl 2
3y ago

Nothing is bad about snow!

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13y ago

car crashes

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Q: What are the benefits and disadvantages of a snow storm?
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Is a snow storm a storm cell?

No, a snow storm is not a storm cell. A snow storm is a weather event characterized by heavy snowfall and strong winds, while a storm cell refers to a small, intense cluster of thunderstorms within a larger storm system. The two are different in terms of the type of weather they produce and their characteristics.

The same storm can produce both rain and snow?

This can happen when the temperature of the air is close to freezing. If colder air is closer to the ground, snow will form. If warmer air is present, the snow will melt into rain before reaching the ground. This can result in a mix of rain and snow falling from the same storm system.

What does storm in which there is considerable falling and or blowing snow mean?

A storm with considerable falling and blowing snow is typically referred to as a blizzard. Blizzards are characterized by strong winds, low temperatures, and reduced visibility due to blowing snow. These conditions can create hazardous travel conditions and disrupt daily activities.

What is the reason for a TV snow storm?

A TV snow storm, also known as "snow" or "white noise," typically occurs due to a weak or disrupted television signal. This can happen because of interference from other electronic devices, poor antenna connections, bad weather conditions, or signal processing issues.

What is the difference between a snowstorm and a blizzard?

A snowstorm is a weather event with falling snow, while a blizzard is a specific type of snowstorm characterized by strong winds, poor visibility (less than a quarter mile), and blowing or drifting snow. Blizzards are more severe and potentially dangerous than regular snowstorms.

Related questions

What is storm with heavy snow?

A blizzard, or a heavy snow storm. Hope this helped, :)

Can a rainbow form after a snow storm?

Rainbows do not usually form after a snow storm

What causes to snow storm?

a snow storm is created by high winds and snow in weather under 0 degrees

What is the definition of a snow storm?

A snow storm (blizzard) is when a strong wind is combined with heavy snowing.

How does a snowdrift form?

During a snow storm, a combination of snow and wind together form dunes, or snow drifts. Snow drifts are mounds of snow that build up during a storm.

How do you have fun in a snow storm?

You can make snow angels and have snow ball fights.

When was A Small Cattle Drive in a Snow Storm created?

A Small Cattle Drive in a Snow Storm was created in 1997.

What are the release dates for Snow Storm - 1898?

Snow Storm - 1898 was released on: USA: 20 May 1898

What are some parts of snow storm?

snow and wind... that's about it

Is a snow storm a storm cell?

No, a snow storm is not a storm cell. A snow storm is a weather event characterized by heavy snowfall and strong winds, while a storm cell refers to a small, intense cluster of thunderstorms within a larger storm system. The two are different in terms of the type of weather they produce and their characteristics.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of communism?

The benefits are black bread for everyone. The disadvantages are really long queues and no vodka.

Can there be a snow storm in the sims3?
