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Chemical name of (negative) mono-atomic anions ends with -ide, eg. chloride (Cl-), sulfide (S2-), oxide.

Chemical name of (negative) poly-atomic anions ends with -ate or -ite for their higher and lower oxidation state respectively, eg sulfate and sulfite. The only one polyatomic ending on -ide is hydroxide OH-.

Positive mono-atomic ions are metal ions and they will have the name of the corresponding metallic element, only when two different oxidation states are possible their chemical names will end on -ic or -ous (for high and low oxidation states respectively), eg. ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous (Fe2+)

The only positive poly-atomic ion I can think of now is ammonium ion for NH4+.

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Q: What are the chemical name mono-atomic and polyatomic ions?
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Anions end in -ide if they are monatomic. Example: chlorine becomes "chloride." Polyatomic ions will have different suffixes.

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Anions end in -ide if they are monatomic. Example: chlorine becomes "chloride." Polyatomic ions will have different suffixes.

When does the end of a name of a negative ion in -ide?

Anions end in -ide if they are monatomic. Example: chlorine becomes "chloride." Polyatomic ions will have different suffixes.

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When does the end of the name of the negative ion end in -ide?

Anions end in -ide if they are monatomic. Example: chlorine becomes "chloride." Polyatomic ions will have different suffixes.

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