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apples bananas grapes and Oranges

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Crops grown in the Ridge and Valley region include corn, soybeans, wheat, apples, and peaches. Farmers in this region also cultivate vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage. The area's fertile soils and moderate climate make it suitable for a variety of crop production.

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Q: What are the crops grown in the Ridge and Valley region?
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What are the crops grown in mountain soil?

Crops that can be grown in mountain soil are typically those that are hardy and can tolerate colder temperatures, such as potatoes, barley, oats, and certain types of berries. The specific crops that can thrive in mountain soil will depend on factors like the altitude, climate, and soil composition of the region.

What are the soil types in Piedmont?

The soil types found in Piedmont region include clay, loam, and sandy soils. These soils vary in their composition and fertility, influencing the types of crops that can be grown in the region. The diverse soil types contribute to the agricultural productivity and biodiversity of the region.

Which crops are grown in laterite soil?

Crops such as rice, maize, sorghum, coconut, oil palm, and cashew are commonly grown in laterite soil. These crops have adapted to the low fertility and high acidity characteristics of this soil type.

What crops do they grow in the amazon?

Crops grown in the Amazon region include cocoa, coffee, bananas, plantains, and rubber. Some areas also cultivate crops like soybeans and corn, which have led to deforestation and environmental concerns due to the clearing of land for agriculture.

What is the name of the first crop grown on the earth?

The exact name of the first crop grown on earth is not known with certainty, but one of the earliest crops cultivated by humans was likely barley or wheat. Agriculture is believed to have first developed in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East around 10,000 years ago.

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What crops grow in California's valley region?

All types of crops are grown in California's valley region, ranging from avocados to grapes to oranges to watermelons.

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Some of the field crops grown in Region 1 in the Philippines include rice, corn, tobacco, mangoes, and sugarcane. Other crops grown in the region are peanuts, mung beans, and cotton.

Where are chief crops grown?

In California's San Joaquin Valley.

What type of crops were grown in the Piedmont region?


What crops were grown in the Huang river valley?

Most likely wheat with a chance

What is grown in the California salinas valley?

A large majority of the salad greens consumed in the U.S. are grown within this region. Strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes, and artichokes are the dominant crops in the valley. Other crops include broccoli, cauliflower, wine grapes, celery, and spinach. Due to the intensity of local agriculture the area has earned itself the nickname, "America's Salad Bowl."

What are top crops grown in nc mountain region?

cristmas trees!

What three major crops are grown in north central region of US?

In the north central region of the US, three major crops grown are corn, soybeans, and wheat. These crops are well-suited to the climate and soil conditions of that region and are important contributors to the agricultural economy.

Why are crops grown in the North different from those grown in the south of this region?

Crops grown in the North are typically cold-weather crops that can withstand colder temperatures and shorter growing seasons. In contrast, crops grown in the South are often warm-weather crops that require longer periods of heat and sunlight to thrive. Environmental factors such as temperature, daylight hours, and frost play a significant role in determining which crops are best suited for each region.