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a) reagent in organic chemistry

b) material for infraed spectroscopy cells

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Q: What are the main uses of caesium fluoride?
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What is another name for cesium?

Caesium. Cesium is the American way of spelling it. Caesium is what everyone else uses.

Does fluorine conduct electricity?

No, it does not. Fluorine is composed of diatomic molecules with all the electrons bound in atomic or molecular orbitals and therefore localised and unable to move around in an electric field.

Why is fluorine used in refrigerators?

Fluoride can be defined as organic and inorganic compounds consisting of fluorine element. A fluoride ion is fluorine in its ionic form. Fluoride can form a binary compound with another element. There are a number of common fluoride components including sodium fluoride, calcium fluoride, oxygen difluoride and hydrofluoric acid. Fluoride is prescribed as a medication in its concentrated form. Fluoride is also believed to strengthen the enamel of tooth. The common uses of fluoride include adding its components to toothpaste for preventing cavities, prescribed for treatment, purification of drinking water, and uses as a component in other oral hygiene products

What is the formula for caesium sulfate?

The chemical formula of caesium sulfate is Cs2SO4.

How many forms of fluoride are there?

Well, I don't have a number for you. I can tell you that in Dentistry we use 3 main types of fluoride for therapeutic use. NaF also known as sodium fluoride APF also know is acidulated phosphate fluoride SnF also known as stannous fluoride Fluoride may occur in many other forms that I am not aware of, but these are the forms that are used to produce clinical results. I couldn't tell you how many forms of fluoride there, but if you are concerned that you need fluoride for your teeth, don't worry, If you get your teeth cleaned the recommended twice a year, the dentist should do a fluoride treatment. That is plenty. Also, If you live in the city, you are getting additional fluoride because most cities add a small amaount of fluoride to their drinking water resurves for this purpose, not to mention it helps keep the water you are drinking healthy. i thought there was like 600 and even more