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I consider that the most important is calcium carbonate (chalk) - CaCO3.

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Q: What are the most important biogenic salts?
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Which salts are needed in your body?

The most important is sodium chloride.

What are all the salts you intake?

The most important is sodium chloride; but many other salts are ingested from foods and water.

What salts is most abundant in seawater?

The most important salt in sea water is sodium chloride; other salts are chlorides of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

What are the major seawater salts?

The most important is sodium chloride - NaCl.

What are the salts in human blood?

The most important is sodium chloride (NaCl).

How much salts are there in salt water?

The most important is sodium chloride; other salts are magnesium and calcium chloride. Many other salts are in extremely low concentration.

What are the salts of the sea?

The most important salt in the sea water is sodium chloride; other salts present are KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2.

What are the salts in the ocean?

The most important salt in sea waters is sodium chloride; other salts are the chlorides of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

What are phosphorus mineral salts used for?

The most important application is as fertilizers in agriculture.

What is salts in your body?

For example hydroxyapatite in bones, the most important salt in our body.

What is biogenic gem?

a biogenic gem is a gemstone made of biological origin

What are the primary salts in the ocean?

The most important salt in sea waters is sodium chloride; other salts are the chlorides of calcium, magnesium and potassium.