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An ionic bond

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Q: What bond would magnesium and nitrogen make?
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Does sodium and nitrogen form a covalent or ionic bond?

In an ionic bond, one of the elements is a metal, the other a non metal. Sodium is underneath the classification of "alkali metals", whilst Nitrogen is a non metal. Therefore, the bond between these two elements is ionic. The formula would be Na3N. Thanks. Very helpful.

What are the two elements that make up magnesium nitride?

Magnesium and nitrogen.

When nitrogen and oxygen combine do they make a ionic or covalent bond?

The bond is covalent.

Would N and F form a polar covalent bond?

The electronegativities of nitrogen and fluorine are considerably different. Therefore they make a polar covalent bond.

What two atoms make up nitrogen?

The nitrogen molecule is composed of two nitrogen atoms, connected by a triple bond.

What is the hydogen bond?

A hydrogen bond is a type of chemical bond. A hydrogen atom bonds with either a nitrogen, fluorine, or oxygen atom to make a weak bond.

What type of chemical bond a oxigen and nitrogen make?

both are non-metals, so a covalent bond will be formed

Why chlorine is not included to make hydrogen bond?

As fluorine, oxygen and nitrogen do, the bond polarity in a -H-Cl bond is not adequate to form hydrogen bonds.

What bond does magnesium and chlorine make?

An ionic bond. A typical metal - non-metal compound. Magnesium (Mg) reacts with Bromine (Br2) to form Magnesium Bromide (MgBr2) which has an ionic formula of Mg2+ (Br-)2.

What is the ionic formula of nitrogen and magnesium?

Magnesium is group II and has two valance electrons to donate to achieve the octet state. Nitrogen has 5 valance electrons so it accepts 3 into its outer shell to make an octet. So Mg3N2

What is a similar reaction to magnesium and hydrochloric acid?

it would make magnesium chloride

Is ammonia a hydrogen bond?

yes. ammonia is NH3....where nitrogen makes three bonds with hydrogen! so it does make a hydroen boNd! ~5~