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The only activity that can reduce the greenhouse effect, or slow the enhanced greenhouse effect, is to plant and regrow huge forests to make up for the ones we have cut down. Vegetation, through photosynthesis, absorbs carbon dioxide and stores the carbon. Trees store carbon for hundreds of years in their roots, trunks, branches and leaves, so they take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

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11y ago

the main activity that causes green house effect is all kinds of pollution, primarily from burning coal and oil for the generation of electricity, and other petroleum products for fuel in transportation.

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10y ago

There are potentially a number of different ways to go about this, but the basic strategy of reducing the greenhouse effect and global warming is simply to burn less fossil fuel (fossil fuel meaning coal, natural gas, and petroleum). In order to burn less fossil fuel, we would of course have to find alternative sources of energy which are more environmentally benign.

Afforestation (planting trees) is another useful strategy.

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Q: What can reduce the greenhouse effect and global warming?
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Why should you reduce the use of fossil fuel?

Because it produces CO and CO2. (greenhouse effect and global warming)

Can you reduce to stop ozone layer depletion and also the global warming?

Yes we can. If we reduce the greenhouse gases.

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No, this would have the opposite effect. It would reduce the rate of global warming. Most vehicles run on oil, the burning of which releases greenhouse gases and causes global warming. Solar powered cars have no harmful emissions.

What has to reduce to solve the problem of global warming?

We have to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane, the greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere.

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There are several measures that can be taken to reduce the impact of ozone depletion and global warming. For example, making sure that old air conditioners and refrigerators are recycled by experienced technicians who can keep the CFCs from getting out is a great way to stop ozone depletion and global warming.

How is reaforestation going to help the ozone layer?

Planting trees will reduce the effect of global warming, but it has little to do with ozone depletion.

What is global warming and what can you do to reduce it?

Global warming is the Earth warming up because of the greenhouse gases. This process is a natural and desired process that allows life to exist on our planet. The theory of an enhanced greenhouse effect is the concept that man has added CO2 to out atmosphere to cause increased warming. The volume of gas man produces is about 0.28% of all greenhouse gases made. To stop this enhanced effect requires us to reduce our emissions to below the levels that some believe started the issue. Reducing CO2 emissions is simple. What is needed would be to reduce our standard of living to pre 1850 conditions.

What is global warming and what are you doing on earth to influence global warming?

Global warming is the long-term increase in the Earth's average temperature. Right now human greenhouse gases, mainly from burning fossil fuels, are causing global warming by increasing the greenhouse effect. The way to slow global warming is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. On an individual level, people can accomplish this by using less energy at home (almost half of the energy in the USA is produced by burning coal), and by driving less. On a larger level, people can support efforts to put a price on carbon emissions.

Does global warming have an effect on volcanos?

No, Global warming has no effect on volcanoes. It's the other way round. Volcanoes can increase global warming slightly if the emit carbon dioxide. And they can reduce global warming for a while if their dust and ash block out and reflect the sun's rays.

How do plants increase global warming?

Plants don't increase global warming. In fact, they do the opposite.Plants, trees and all vegetation reduce the effect of global warming by removing from the atmosphere these gases like carbon dioxide and storing the carbon in their trunks and branches. They help to reduce global warming.

How does the ozone layer help prevent increased global temperatures caused by the greenhouse effect?

The ozone layer blocks the most dangerous ultra violet radiation. This prevents some heat reaching the earth. So a strong ozone layer helps reduce the greenhouse warming effect.

Does chloroplast helps to reduce the effect of global warming?

Yes,it help to reduce CO2 level.CO2 is used in photosynthesis.