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many, zinc oxide, zinc carbonate, zinc chloride...

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Zince fluoride, ZnF2.

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Zinc Chloride

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Q: What compound is formed with chlorine and zinc?
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Related questions

Is zinc chlorine a compound?

Technically no. Zinc chloride is a compound. Zinc chlorine really isn't anything.

What compound does zinc and chlorine make?

It makes Zinc Chloride.

Binary ionic compound zinc and chlorine?

Zinc and chlorine react to form the binary ionic compound zinc chloride, which has the formula ZnCl2.

Is zinc chloride a halogen?

No it is a compound. The element Chlorine in the compound is a Halogen.

What is the formula of the ionic compound formed between magnesium and chlorine?

The ionic compound formed between magnesium and chlorine has the formula MgCl2.

What is the formula for compound rubidium and chlorine?

The compound formed between rubidium and chlorine has the formula RbCl.

What is the difference between compound zinc chloride and a mixture of zinc and chlorine?

Well i think zinc chloride is a mixture but not sure, if its a compound then you wouldn't be able to separate it into its normal elements (zinc and Hydrochloric Acid)

What is the ionic compound of zinc oxide?

ZnO- zinc oxide. it is a redox reaction that formed a binary ionic compound.

How salt is different from chlorine?

Ordinary salt is a compound formed from sodium and chlorine.

What compound does sodium and chlorine make?

Sodium chloride, an ionic compound, is formed.

What is the chemical formula for compounds containing one zinc atom for every two chlorine atoms?

One zinc atom = Zn Two chlorine atoms = Cl2 Chemical formula for zinc choride compound = ZnCl2

What ionic compound is formed when hydrogen and chlorine combine?

The compound formed when hydrogen and chlorine combine is hydrogen chloride, with formula HCl. In pure form, this compound has highly polar covalent bonds, but when dissolved in water, the compound ionizes.