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There are a number of countries which have a tropical rainforest along the equator. Some of them include India, Laos, Malaysia, Guyana and many more.

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Q: What country has a tropical rainforest along the equator?
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Rainforest and the equator?

Yes, tropical rainforests form along the equator.

What direction is the rainforest from the equators?

Tropical rainforests occur along the equator.

Where are do most tropical rainforests exist?

In the place where there a lot of sex going on!

What are tropical rainforests along the equator?

Deserts and rainforests

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These islands along the equator are in the Indian ocean?

The Maldive Islands are along the equator. They are located in the Indian Ocean. They are coral attols with tropical climates.

How far is the equator from the tropical rain forest?

Tropical rainforests are located along the Equator across many countries. Tropical rainforests can be found in South and Central America, Australia and Asia.

Where is a tropical zone is most likely located?

B. Along the equator

What is the vegetation like in Malaysia?

Malaysia lies near to the equator. It's vegetation is tropical rainforest, where you can find thick rain forest inland atop hills and mountains, coconut trees along fine beaches and mangrove forests along the coast.

What parts of the world are coral reefs lcated in?

Shallow tropical regions along the equator.

How is the land use in the northeast?

Land use in northeast Australia is largely tropical and sub-tropical rainforest in the far north, with sugar cane farms along the northeast coastal strip. Further inland, it is largely beef cattle country.

How is the land used in northeast Australia?

Land use in northeast Australia is largely tropical and sub-tropical rainforest in the far north, with sugar cane farms along the northeast coastal strip. Further inland, it is largely beef cattle country.