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Ethanol is basically bad for you. A little is ok, but you have to be sencible. Too much ethanol can lead to high riscs of trauma, and is stored in the liver and cause seizures. Way to much and you can die or kill someone else through your fault of drinking.

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Q: What does ethanol do to the human body?
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Related questions

Can blood alcohol level be 0 during alcohol poisoning?

No. Actually no one has a BAC of zero because the human body produces ethanol 24/7. It's called endogenous ethanol production.

How long does ethanol stay in your body?

Ethanol stays as long as you want it to ;)

What is the word equation that creates ethnonol during wine making?

Fermentation is caused by yeast converting sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Incidentally, this occurs in every human body 24/7. It's called endogenous ethanol production.

What is bioavailability of ethanol?

Ethanol is a form of alcohol. Bioavailability is the extent and rate of a subtance's entry into the body's circulation system, so bioavailability of ethanol refers to the extent and rate of ethanol's entry into the body's circulation system. Ethanol in the gastric contents slows the peristaltic action that moves food through the stomach and delays stomach emptying.

What is the regular alcohol level?

Every human body produces alcohol 24/7. It's called endogenous ethanol production, but the rate varies depending largely on diet.

What happens to alcohol when it goes into your blood?

Blood is pumped through the liver where alcohol is metabolized and removed. Ethanol within the human body is converted into acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase and then into acetic acid by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. The product of the first step of this breakdown, acetaldehyde, is even more toxic than ethanol.

Does it have carborhydrate's in vodka?

Well, the ethanol gets converted to carbohydrates in your body.

When you drink ethanol it is absorbed in what three places of the body?

fah q

Can the body make its own alcohol?

Yes, it can and does. Every living human body produces up to about one ounce of pure alcohol each and every day. It's called endogenous ethanol production and is a natural process that occurs in the intestinal tract.

Does human body needs alcohol?

No, the human body does not need alcohol. However, every living person produces its own supply 24/7. It's called endogenous ehtanol production. So even Carry Nation always had alcohol in her system!

Can you make ethanol at home?

Yes. In some countries (such as the US), you must obtain a permit from the BATF and the ethanol produced must be mixed with a substance that renders it unfit for human consumption. The ethanol must be used for producing energy, not to drink.

What is denser water or the human body?

i guessing-the human body