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Non- reproductive cells cannot split apart to make more cells. For example, brain cells are non- reproductive cells. You can never get more. Things like drugs and alcohol kill brain cells and they can never come back. So once they're gone, they're gone.

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Q: What does non - reproductive cells mean?
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It is the sperm cell.

What reproductive cells call?

Reproductive cells are called GAMETES.

Reproductive cells are known as cells?

The reproductive or sex cells are also called gametes.

What does nonrepro mean?

Non repro is a short version of saying not reproductive.

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the haploid cells or the gammet cells are also known as the reproductive cells in animals, they are also known as the sex cells

When are reproductive cells produced?

Reproductive cells start to produce when you hit puberty.

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The reproductive or sex cells are also called gametes.

5Describe the differences between mature sperm cells and reproductive cells?

Reproductive cells divide to make sperm cells.