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Elemets that are transition elements are situated in the middle of the Periodic Table. They are periods 4-7, columns 3-12 (not groups at the transition metals are between groups 2 and 3 in an area of their own). They transition metal with the lowest atomic mass is Scandium (Sc) in the top left and the highest Atomic Mass is the artificial element Copernicium (Cn). The transition metals also contain the Lanthanides and Actinides.

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Q: What elements are transitional elements?
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If I am right, they are known as 'transitional metals'.

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There are many elements among the transitional elements which has the electron configuration differed than predicted. Such element with the lowest atomic number is chromium.

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The representative elements, or main group elements, consist of all elements in the table's "s" and "p" blocks, excluding the noble gases. They are grouped into alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and post-transitional metals.

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Transition Metals! ^-^

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