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Q: What elements is most likely to form an ionic compound with potassium a.Na b.Ca c.C d.O?
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Is iron and potassium an ionic compound?

Iron and Potassium both are elements and not compounds. They can't be ionic or molecular.

What compound are in potassium iodide?

Potassium iodide is the compound. It is composed of two elements viz. Potassium and Iodine.

Is KF a ionic compound or a pure covalent compound?

K is an element. It is elemental Potassium metal.

Will element Potassiumand Chlorine form an ionic compound?

Yes, the elements potassium and chlorine will react--very vigorously--to form the ionic compound potassium chloride.

Is potassium iodide ionic or covalant?

Potassium iodide is ionic.

What element will bond to form an ionic compound with K?

Potassium will form ionic compound with group 17 elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine) and group 16 elements (oxygen, sulphur, selenium).

What is the ionic compound name for KCI?

I think KCI ionic compound name is Potassium Chloride.

How many potassium atoms and how many oxygen atoms are there in a binary compound from these two elements?

A compound containing potassium and oxygen atoms would have a formula of K2O, and would be named potassium oxide. This is a binary ionic compound.

What is the formula for the ionic compound formed for the potassium and sulfur?

K2S is the formula for the ionic compound formed from potassium and sulfur.

What is the formula the ionic compound formed from potassium and sulfur?

K2S is the formula for the ionic compound formed from potassium and sulfur.

How many potassium atims and how many oxygen atoms are there in a binary compound made from these two elements?

A compound containing potassium and oxygen atoms would have a formula of K2O, and would be named potassium oxide. This is a binary ionic compound.

What is the difference between a binary ionic compound and a teranry ionic compound?

No. Not all binary compounds are ionic and not all ionic compounds are binary. An ionic compound is a compound formed by the exchange rather than the sharing of electrons. A binary compound is any compound of exactly 2 elements. Examples: Sodium chloride (NaCl, compound sodium and chlorine) is both binary and ionic. Potassium hydroxide (KOH, compound of potassium, hydrogen, and oxygen) is ionic but not binary. Water (H2O, compound of hydrogen and oxygen) is binary, but covalent, not ionic.