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Winds must be at least 165 mph and must be considerbly big.

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Q: What factors must a hurricane have to considered a category five?
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How strong was hurricane Hugo?

Category five.

What is the strongest hurricane?

A number of Hurricanes can lay claim to that title. Typhoon Tip, Hurricane Camille and a few others both had winds in the rage of 190 mph. The most intense HUrricane in terms of low pressure was Hurricane Wilma.

How fast does wind have to be before its a hurricane in km?

; Category One Hurricane: Winds 74-95 mph; Category Two Hurricane: Winds 96-110 mph; Category Three Hurricane: Winds 111-130 mph; Category Four Hurricane: Winds 131-155 mph; Category Five Hurricane: Winds greater than 155 mph

Hurricane shutters are expected to withstand which hurricane number?

Hurricane Shelters are very effective in protecting windows during a hurricane. Shutters are rated by the category of hurricane they can withstand, from one to five with five being the most durable.

What do the hurricane stages mean?

The "stage" of the hurricane is it's intensity in size and wind speed. Category One is just a nasty tropical storm with an attitude. Category Five is a horrifically devastating monster hurricane.

What is the diameter of a category five hurricane?

This is no given diameter. Hurricanes are rated based on wind speed, not size. A hurricane is classified as a category 5 if sustained wind reach or exceed 157 mph.

What is a category five hurricane?

It means that Hurricane Ivan had peak sustained winds of 156 mph or higher. Ivan's winds peaked at 165 mph. Category 5 is the most intense category on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

What is hurricane Gustav?

Hurricane Gustav was a category 4 Hurricane taking place from August 25 2008-September 4 2008. It went through the Carribean and through five states.

Who invented the scale that measures hurricanes?

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale categizes hurricanes as Category One to Five.

How fast does a hurricane move?

By the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, a category one hurricane wind speed is 74 to 95 mph, a category two hurricane wind speed is 96 to 110 mph, a category three hurricane wind speed is 111 to 130 mph, a category four hurricane wind speed is 131 to 155 mph, a category five hurricane wind speed is >155 mph. so how fast do they move that will be 137mph.

Is a category five hurricane the least severe of the categories?

No it's not it's the opposite of that it's actually the deadliest out of the Safari Simpson scale

Is category 5 the most destructive?

It is hard to determine exactly. A bit of math first: Hurricane ratings are based on wind speed. The force exerted by a given wind is proportional to the square of the speed. Category 1 winds are 74 to 95 mph. Category 5 winds are 157 mph or greater with wind measured as high as 195 mph. A 157 mph wind carries about 4.5 times the force of a 74 mph wind. But destruction is more complicated than that. Most structures can withstand a 74 mph wind without suffering major damage, but not a 157 mph wind. Additionally, once destruction begins, debris adds to the destructive potential. Finally, it is water, not wind that usually causes the most destruction in a hurricane. A category 5 hurricane can cause more severe coastal flooding than a category 1. An article by the National Hurricane Center suggests that a category 5 hurricane has more than 100 times the destructive potential of a category 1.