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All fossil fuels contain sulphur, at least to some extent. Oil that has a high level of sulphur is called 'sour' crude, as opposed to 'sweet' crude which has a low sulphur level. Natural gas can also be 'sweet' or 'sour'.

Sulphur in natural gas is usually present as the poisonous gas hydrogen sulphide, and it is usually removed from natural gas as it emerges from the ground. In remote regions like northern Canada or Kazakhstan its storage can be a problem. On the other hand, oil is processed at refineries, often a long way from the source of the oil, and the sulphur is used in various industrial processes. High sulphur concentrations are also found in oil or tar sands such as are found in northern Canada and Venezuela.

Coal also contains sulphur, but being a solid it is difficult to extract using conventional technologies. High-sulphur coal used to produce a lot of sulphur dioxide when it was burned, which formed sulphuric acid in the air, leading to acid rain, but nowadays the waste gases are 'scrubbed' of sulphur using a limestone wash, and the mineral gypsum is formed, which is used in plasterboard and other building materials.

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Water vapor and carbon dioxide if the burn is complete. Energy is produced. By-products would include Carbon Dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide.

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