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the precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is formed

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Q: What happened when soluble carbonate is passed through soluble calcium salt?
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What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through calcium hydroxide solution?

When carbon dioxide gas is passed/bubbled through aqueous calcium hydroxide (also known as 'limewater'), a white precipitate will be formed. This means that the solution will turn cloudy/milky due to the formation of that white precipitate.Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)The precipitate, calcium carbonate, is only sparingly soluble in water. It will exist as a suspension in the resulting solution.But when excess carbon dioxide is added, this reaction takes place instead:CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) → Ca(HCO3)2(aq)The calcium carbonate undergoes further reaction with water and carbon dioxide to form calcium bicarbonate (or calcium hydrogen carbonate), which is soluble. Thus the precipitate appears to 'disappear' or 'dissolve'. Thus, a colourless solution is formed.----- Other answers -----Water is added to give calcium hydroxide, and carbon dioxide is passed through this solution to precipitate the desired calcium carbonate, referred to in the industry as precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC):if carbon dioxide is passed through it it will turn cloudy and if it is done for to long then it will turn colourless.

How do you know if chalk contains calcium carbonate?

Through chemical analysis of a piece of chalk!

What does Calcium Carbonate produce after going through a decomposition reaction?

The products are calcium oxide and carbon dioxide The equation: CaCO3 -> CaO + CO2

Why is Barium carbonate insoluble in water?

It's not. If you were to bubble CO2 through water and add a Ph indicator (such as phenolphthalein) to the solution, you would see it change color signifying that some of the CO2 dissolved in the water to form carbonic acid.

How does underground water cause chemical weathering of limestone?

Rainfall that seeps through cracks in the bedrock is slightly acidic. The acid reacts with the calcium carbonate in the limestone, causing dissolution of the rock.

Related questions

How calcium carbonate can be removed from the mixture?

Calcium carbonate can be removed from a mixture by using a process called filtration or decantation. In filtration, the mixture is passed through a filter paper, which allows the liquid to pass through while retaining the solid calcium carbonate. In decantation, the mixture is left undisturbed to allow the solid calcium carbonate to settle at the bottom, and the liquid can then be carefully poured off.

What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through calcium hydroxide solution?

When carbon dioxide gas is passed/bubbled through aqueous calcium hydroxide (also known as 'limewater'), a white precipitate will be formed. This means that the solution will turn cloudy/milky due to the formation of that white precipitate.Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)The precipitate, calcium carbonate, is only sparingly soluble in water. It will exist as a suspension in the resulting solution.But when excess carbon dioxide is added, this reaction takes place instead:CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) → Ca(HCO3)2(aq)The calcium carbonate undergoes further reaction with water and carbon dioxide to form calcium bicarbonate (or calcium hydrogen carbonate), which is soluble. Thus the precipitate appears to 'disappear' or 'dissolve'. Thus, a colourless solution is formed.----- Other answers -----Water is added to give calcium hydroxide, and carbon dioxide is passed through this solution to precipitate the desired calcium carbonate, referred to in the industry as precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC):if carbon dioxide is passed through it it will turn cloudy and if it is done for to long then it will turn colourless.

What you see when carbon dioxide is bubbled through calcium hydroxide solution?

You will see a preciptate of Calcium Carbonate [CaCO3] The Calcium Hydroxied is said to turn 'Milky' or 'Chalky' The chalkyness so described is the water insoluble Calcium Carbonate being deposited as it is formed.

How do you know if chalk contains calcium carbonate?

Through chemical analysis of a piece of chalk!

When carbon iv oxide is bubbled through calcium hydroxide what is the white precipitate formed?

The precipitate formed is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3).

How are the curtains in caves formed?

Curtains are formed when water containing calcium carbonate drips slowly through the joints and bedding planes of the limestone and comes out through a long crack in the ceiling of the cave . The water evaporates, leaving the calcium carbonate behind .

Are ionic bonds soluble in water?

Yes, ionic substances are soluble in water.

Why carbonate rocks are most affected by acid rain?

Limestone is calcium carbonate. The reaction that occurs when acid rain damages carbonate rocks is an acid-base reaction. Hydronium ions in the rain reaction with carbonate ions in the rock to form hydrogen carbonate, which is water soluble. The overall reaction is represented by H3O+ + CO32- => H2O + HCO3-

What is the compound formed when carbon dioxide is bubbled through limewater?

Calcium carbonate, formula of this: CaCO3

Why water is turned milky when it is passed through carbon dioxide?

A precipitate of calcium carbonate is formed.

How do you test presence of carbon dioxide?

Bubble the gas through limewater (calcium hydroxide), and then a white precipitate is formed, which is actually calcium carbonate.

What does Calcium Carbonate produce after going through a decomposition reaction?

The products are calcium oxide and carbon dioxide The equation: CaCO3 -> CaO + CO2