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It turns blue.

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Q: What happens to copper if it is left in water for a long period of time?
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the water evaporates, leaving the salt behind.

What was left when water evaporates from copper sulphate solution?

Copper sulfate crystals remain in the container.

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water is left

What appears to the left of copper?

To the left of copper appear nickel.

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the sand dissolves in the water

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it increases

Which method could be used to obtain copper from a mixture of powdered copper and sodium chloride?

Wash the mixture with water and separate the solid from the liquid, for example, by filtration. The sodium chloride will dissolve in the wash water, while the copper is left behind.

What happens to the energy levels are you move from left to right on the periodic table?

The energy level generally remains the same in a period (as we move from left to right). Down a period, the energy level increases.

What element on the periodic table appears to the left of copper?

Nickel is placed on the left of copper.

What happens to the reactivity of left to right across the periodic table?

Across a period, as we move from left to right, the electronegativity increases in the periodic table.

Why does crystallization occur with copper sulfate in water afetr it is heated then saturated then left to cool down?

Because your mum