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Chlor-alkali process is really a whole range of processes associated with salt (sodium chloride) and sodium and chlorine. The primary products are sodium and chlorine. Chlorine has almost limitless uses from simple bleach to plastics manufacture. Sodium is basically a byproduct but generally finds use once converted to caustic soda (sodium hydroxide).

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Q: What happens to the original sodium and chlorine after the chloro alkali process?
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What happens when any of the alkali metals react to chlorine?

You would get an chemical form of salt or you can say alkali metal salt.

What happens when the alkali metals react with chlorine?

They metals are stored in oil to minimize the reactivity with air. When alkali metals react with air, they quickly tarnish after begin cut, they burn easily.

Is chlorine in the family alkali metal?

No; chlorine is a nonmetal and a halogen.

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Chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide, which is why it's called the chlor-alkali process.

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What are the advantages of Chlor-alkali industry?

they make chlorine

What organization do most chlorine and alkali chemical manufacturers belong to?

Approximately 99 percent of the chlorine and alkali chemical manufacturers in the United States and Canada belong to the Chlorine Institute, a group founded by 10 industry leaders in 1924.

What is the reactivity group for chlorine?

Group one, the alkali metals

For which chemical chlor alkali process is used?

Chlor-alkali is a sort of catch-all phrase to cover industries associated with chlorine and sodium/sodium hydroxide production - almost always via electrolysis of sodium chloride. It is not really one single process, unless you choose to restrict it to the elctrolysis step.

Which property of chlorine explains why it is likely to form a compound with an alkali metal?

Chlorine will readily accept one electron to its outershell.

Does CaCl2 contain an alkali metal and a halogen?

Calcium chloride contains an alkali earth metal (calcium, a group 2 element) and a halogen (chlorine). There is no alkali metal. Alkali metals are group 1 elements.

What is Hydrochloric acid made out of?

If you set out to intentionally make this, you'd use the chlor-alkali process, which converts salt water to chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide...after which they combine the hydrogen and chlorine and dissolve the resulting gas in water to get hydrochloric acid. Most of the HCl made today is a byproduct of another chemical process.