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It gets deposited in a new place

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Q: What happens to the rock that is eroded from a headland?
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What is the flat surface called when a headland is eroded?

It is called an erection.

How peninsula are formed?

peninsulas are formed when waves start hitting a section of rock on the coastline that is not as easilly eroded as the rock around it. Over time it starts to stick out as a headland and if that process continues for enough years, the waves hitting the headland will start to curve around the sides and begin eroding the softer rock behind.

How is a headland made by?

it is made by rock

What is soft coastline?

Made up of clay and sands. Erodes quicker than hard rock which is limestone or chalk. Not resistant to weathering and erosion. Eroded quicker than hard rock which creates a bay and the hard rock is called a headland. When you have hard rock then soft rock alternating it is called a discordant coastline.

What happens to igneous rocks when the undergo weathering and erosion?

If eroded, deposited, compacted and cemented, it becomes clastic sedimentary rock.

What happens if a sea arch collapses?

A Headland is formed

What is a prominent rock named as?

A mountain, a headland or a landscape feature.

What is found at the base of the cliff after it has been eroded?

== == After a rock has been eroded you will find dirt,sand,rock and occcasionally silk.

What is the main in soil?

Eroded rock

What is a smooth coastline?

Made up of clay and sands. Erodes quicker than hard rock which is limestone or chalk. Not resistant to weathering and erosion. Eroded quicker than hard rock which creates a bay and the hard rock is called a headland. When you have hard rock then soft rock alternating it is called a discordant coastline.

What happens to a metamorphic rock when its weathered?

Weathering of existing rock is the first step in the formation of most sedimentary rock, providing the sediment which will eventually be eroded, deposited, compacted and cemented together.