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When plates rub against each other in any direction, it causes an earthquake.

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Q: What happens when plates slip past each other at transform boundaries?
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How do plates move at transform plate boundaries?

At transform boundaries, the plates move horizontal in relation to each other.

What is the difference between convergent and divergent and transform boundaries?

Divergent boundaries- Plates move apart from each other Convergent boundaries- Plates compress against each other Transform boundaries- Plates move past each other

Where are transform boundaries?

Transform boundaries are locations where two plates slide past each other.

How do tectonic plates move at a transform boundary?

At transform boundaries, the plates move horizontal in relation to each other.

Do plates slide past each other at convergent boundaries?

No. Plates come together at convergent boundaries. In other words they converge. Plates slide past each other at transform boundaries.

How are the movement of plates at divergent boundaries and at the transform boundaries similar?

The difference between transform and divergent boundaries is that transform boundaries occur when tectonic plates slide past each other, whereas at divergent boundaries they move away from each other. However in both cases the plates move horizontally (unlike at convergent boundaries where one plate may be pushed underneath another).

What are the three ways boundaries interact?

convergent boundaries: plates move together divergent boundaries: plates move apart transform boundaries: plates move against each other

A plate where two plates slip past each other moving in opposite directions is known as a?

transform boundaries

What is the other name for sliding plate boundary?

Transform Boundaries is the plates where plates slide past each other.

What type of natural disaster happens at a transform boundary?

Earthquakes are the natural phenomenon that often occur at transform boundaries. An example is the San Andreas Fault, which has caused several catastrophic earthquakes.

What happens when tectonic plates push against?

It could either cause Spreading boundaries (when the plates move apart), collision boundaries (Where one plate collides with the other forcing one underground- can cause volcano's, or transform boundaries (When plates scrape along side each other- causing Earthquakes.

Describe what happens in three different kinds of plates collisions?

When plates collide, plate boundaries are formed. There are three kinds. At divergent boundaries, two tectonic plates move away from each other and make earthquakes. At convergent boundaries, two plates come together and make mountain ranges. At transform boundaries, one plate slides under the other.