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  • Sediment builds up over time and expands. Probably like a huge rock or a giant elephant.
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Q: What happens when sediment builds up overtime?
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What happens when sediment builds up?

Sediment builds up over time and expands. Probably like a huge rock or a giant elephant.

What happens when sediment builds up over time?

everyone will die

What happens when heavy rain builds up in dry sediment?

Mudflows then occur after

What happens when sediment builds up after a long time?

When sediment is built, chinese men start to shave thier asses with sumaria sords while epicman808 sings a song about vipond

What are the layers formed as sediment builds up over a very long time called?


What builds up as layers of sediment pile on top of each other?

falling in water

Is sedimentary rocks made of hardened lava?

No. Sediment builds up on a bottom of a body of water, and sinks to the bottom. This is mostly little creatures near the surface of the water who die, then sink to the bottom. After decades of this, quite a thick layer of sediment is built up. This sediment can later be turned into . . . sediment ary rock.

How are rocks made?

When pressure pushes down on sediment, the sediment turn solid because they have sat aside for a long time and the pressure builds up to form a rock.

If entire societies are buried under sediment why hasn't the earth's circumference gotten larger over time?

where is the sediment coming from? earth of course. what builds up in one place wore down from another.

Is a delta formed by weathering or erosion?

Contrary to your question, it is formed by deposition. When a river reaches a lake or the sea, water slows down and loses the power to carry sediment . The sediment is dropped at the mouth of the river, and sediment builds up in layers, forming a delta.

What happens when carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere?

nothing will happen at all

What happens when frost builds up in the freezer?

Your food starts to get a freezer burn