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Q: What happens wherever plate movement stores energy in the rock along faults?
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Geologists know that wherever plate movement stores energy in the rock along faults?

earthquakes are likely

Movement of the faults produces what kind of energy wave?

seismic waves

What Movement of the faults produces what kind of energy waves?

seismic waves

Is a seismic wave caused by energy released as the result of rock movement along a fault?

Yes, seismic waves are the result of energy released by the movement of rocks along faults.

Why not all movement along faults produce earthquakes?

Faults DO NOT produce earthquakes, faults are produced by earthquakes. This means that earthquake loci are centered on and along faults. The energy released by an earthquake is the strain energy built up as a result of plate tectonic forces. Some faults move easily and thus no strain energy builds up.

What is a fault with horizontal movement called?

Horizontal faults can be refered to as lateral faults or strike-slip faults.

What are normal faults caused by?

Normal faults are caused by tension in the movement of rocks

What are the 3 different types of rock movement in earthquakes?

Normal faults, reverse faults, and last but not least transform faults.

What word describes the movement on faults?


Why do eartquakes happen at faults?

Fault lines are caused by differential or shear movement, when fault lines slip rapidly energy is released causing an earthquake.

What can happen when a plate movement stores energy in a rock along faults?

When energy builds up in a fault line, eventually it will overcome the friction that prevents the plates from moving, and the plates will move, producing an earthquake.

How faults produce earthquakes?

Faults DO NOT produce earthquakes, faults are produced by earthquakes. This means that earthquake loci are centered on and along faults. The energy released by an earthquake is the stress energy built up as a result of plate tectonic forces.