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This is known as a subduction zone. When two plates collide, the less dense tectonic plate will be submerged under the other. The crust slips under and is destroyed by the magma. These are also called "destructive boundaries" because unlike divergent boundaries, crust is being destroyed.

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Q: What if the oceanic or continental crust gets pushed under the mantle?
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Does the continental or the oceanic crust extend farther into the mantle?

The continental crust because it is thicker than the oceanic crust

Why does the oceanic crust sit lower in the mantle than the continental crust?

Oceanic crust is more dense than continental crust.

Why does the continental crust float higher on the mantle than on the oceanic crust?

the oceanic crust is more dense therefore it sinks lower than continental crust

What are convertgent boundaries?

A conversion boundary is a place where 2 tectonic plates are mving toward each other. There are 3 types of convergent boundaries OCEANIC CRUST-OCEANIC CRUST OCEANIC CRUST-CONTINENTAL CRUST CONTINENTAL CRUST-CONTINENTAL CRUST They are classified according to their crust

What characteristics of continental crust allow it to float higher on the mantle than oceanic cruast?

Continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust.

Why is oceanic crust always subducted underneath the continental crust?

Oceanic crust subducts under continental crust because it is denser. Continental crust's density is too low for it to be forced into the mantle.

Where does the oceanic crust begin?

The continental shelf is normally made out of continental crust, the oceanic crust begins at the base of the continental rise. However in most places the oceanic crust near the continental margins is covered by continental sediments (eroded form the continents) carried down onto the Oceanic planes by deep sea canyons running off the continental rises.

Why does the continental crust go father down into the mantle than the oceanic crust?

Continental crust, on average, is much thicker than oceanic crust. Because of the principles of isostacy and buoyancy, the continental crust will protrude more deeply into the asthenosphere than oceanic crust.

Why does continental crusts stand higher on the mantle then oceanic crust?

Because Oceanic crust is more dense and the Continental Crust is mountains which are a lot taller than sea floor.

What happens to mantle rock descending oceanic crust scrapes past continental crust?

The mantle rock descending from the oceanic crust causes the water in oceanic crust to be released. This lowers the melting point of the rock and causes it to melt.

How do continental crust differ from oceanic?

Continental crust is predominantly composed mostly of rock of a granitic composition, higher in silica and aluminum, with layers of sedimentary rock above. Oceanic crust is predominantly basaltic (higher in iron and magnesium), darker, thinner, more dense, and formed from rapid cooling of lava.

Why does continental crust always stay at or near the surface of the earth?

There are several reasons - continental crust is less dense than the magma below - also - through a process known as Isostatic Equilibrium the continental crust maintains its level above the mantle. When oceanic crust contacts continental crust at plate boundaries there is a subduction zone where the oceanic crust is pushed under the continental crust because is it much thinner and less massive.