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I believe it is still called Hydrogen Sulfide, except that you would classify it as a Aqueous solution

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Q: What is Hydrogen sulfide called when dissolved in water?
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You are correct. Boron Sulphide will even react with atompheric water so has to kept away from air.

Is there hydrogen sulfide in water?

Not usually.

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Yes hydrogen fluoride can be dissolved in pure water.

Why does your hot water from the sink stinks?

That implies your water supply has a certain amount of dissolved Hydrogen Sulfide in it. This is common, not harmful, but truly disgusting. There are ways to stop it - talk to a professional plumber.

What is the chemical equsion for Hydrogen sulfide plus oxygen equals water plus sulfur dioxide?

hydrogen sulfide + oxygen = water + sulfuer dioxide

What shape would a molecule of hydrogen sulfide have?

A hydrogen sulfide molecule, H2S, has a bent shape, similar to that of a water molecule.

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Calcium Sulfide and water

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A substance which ionizes to form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water is called an acid. Acids turn blue litmus paper into red.

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What is the most abundant dissolved gas in magma?

The most common dissolved gas in magma is water vapor, or H2O. Other important gases that may be present in magma and released during volcanic eruptions are carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide.

What are two of the inner earth's gases?

water vapor and hydrogen sulfide

Why is the boiling point of water greater than hydrogen sulfide?

because in water between hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen bonds are more stable but it is not in dihydrogensulphide .