

What is a dinosaurs climate?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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warm and tropical! sounds like a nice place to take a vacation......

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Q: What is a dinosaurs climate?
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What were the challenges the dinosaurs faced before they were EXTINCT?

The dinosaurs were going through dramatic climate change.

What type of climate did dinosaurs live in?

Awesome climates

Why could climate change have killed the dinosaurs?

Well dinosaurs(well most) where cold-blooded that means the get energy from the sun so if the climate got colder or the sun got blocked out the the dinosaurs wouldn't be able to survive.

What are two ways the climate has changed since the time of dinosaurs?

mammals have evolved and that climate has changed rapidly like grass, grass wasn't around in the time of the dinosaurs.

Where did the dinosaurs go?

The dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago, but there is not a conclusive reason as to why. The most widely accepted theory is about climate change - the planet got too hot and the climate shifted too dramatically for the dinosaurs to adapt.

What were the two possible effects of slow climate change on the dinosaurs' habitats?

None. The dinosaurs died a fairly quick death.

How do we know that climate change killed the dinosaurs?

The lava hit the douisours

What are two ways the climate has changed since the time of the dinosaurs?

Since the time of the dinosaurs, the temperature has cooled, and the earth has become more humid.

Why did the dinosaurs disapear?

They did not disappear but instead they died and it might be because event was caused by climate and geological changes that interrupted the dinosaurs' food supply.

How do dinosaurs become extinct due to climate change?

Well it is hypothesized that dinosaurs went extinct because a huge meteor crashed down to Earth. This meteor caused such a huge impact that it sent dust and particles of the Earth to go flying, reflecting and blocking the sun's rays. This caused the climate to go way down and the food source for the dinosaurs must have died because of the new climate. Thus, the dinosaurs didn't have anymore food and died of hunger

What was the climate of western South Dakota like when the dinosaurs lived there?

The climate at the time of the dinosaurs in South Dakota was probably warmer and more moist than what we currently experience. When the dinosaurs lived in western South Dakota, much of eastern South Dakota was covered by an inland sea. The climate had a well-defined wet and dry season and quite warm average annual temperatures.

How dinosaurs vanished?

some say an asteroid hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs. others say the climate got colder and the dinos couldn't adapt.