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Ayers Rock in central Australia is a key landform with a flat top. Also called Uluru.

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1mo ago

A plateau is a high landform with a flat top. Plateaus are raised areas of land that are relatively flat, which are often formed through geological processes such as uplift or erosion. They can vary in size and are found all over the world.

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Q: What is a high landform with a flat top?
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Which landform has a low flat surface and a high elevation?

Plateaus are landforms with a flat top surface that is elevated above the surrounding area.

What is the name of a landform which has steep sides and a flat top?

the type of landform is a plateau.

A large high flat landform?

A large high flat landform is typically referred to as a plateau. Plateaus are elevated landforms with a relatively flat top surface that are formed through geological processes such as tectonic uplift or erosion. They are found all around the world and are often surrounded by steep cliffs or slopes.

What is a flat landform found at a high elevation?

A plateau is a flat landform found at a high elevation. Plateaus are elevated flat areas of land that rise sharply above surrounding areas and have steep sides.

What is a flat-topped elevated landform?

A flat-topped elevated landform is called a plateau. Plateaus are high areas of land with a relatively flat top and steep sides. They are often found between mountains or hills and can be formed through geological processes such as uplift, volcanic activity, or erosion.

What is the between a mesa and a mountain?

A mesa is a flat-topped landform with steep sides, while a mountain is a higher landform that rises steeply from its surroundings. Mesas are usually smaller and have a more distinct flat top compared to mountains.

What type of landform is an area of raised land flat on top?

A raised flat landform is called a plateau. Plateaus are elevated areas of land that are generally flat on top, with steep sides. They can be formed by processes such as volcanic activity, erosion, or tectonic uplift.

What is a landform with high elevation with a pointed top?


Is flat a landform?

YES! it is landform

What kind of high flat landform rises steeply from the land around it?

That would be a mesa.

What shape is on top of a plateau?

A plateau is typically a flat elevated landform with a broad flat top. The shape on top of a plateau can vary, but it is often flat or gently sloping with some irregularities due to erosion and weathering processes.

A landform madeup of flat or gently rolling land with low relief is a?

A plateau is a landform made up of flat or gently rolling land with low relief. Plateaus are elevated areas of land that are relatively flat on top, and they can be found all over the world.