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Above 400 ppm of co2 would be considered high.

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Above 400 ppm is considered above normal

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Q: What is above normal levels of carbon dioxide?
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Is carbon-dioxide a non-metal?

Carbon Dioxide is a compound formed by a Carbon and Oxygen. Only an element can be classified as a metal, non-metal or a metalloid. Compounds cannot be classified in these categories. Carbon and oxygen both are non-metals.

Why does carbon monoxide burn and carbon dioxide does not?

Carbon monoxide binds very tightly to heme; carbon dioxide does not. Carbon dioxide is not poisonous per se, but it's not harmless either; concentrations of carbon dioxide above 20% or so are pretty bad for you even if there's also plenty of oxygen to breathe.

Carbon disulfide is prepared industrially by reacting carbon with sulfur dioxide according to the above equation If 5.9 moles of carbon react how many moles of CS2 are produced?

1.2 Moles

Carbon dioxide is produced by A Respiration B Volcanic Eruptions C Burning Fossil Fuels D All of the Above?

D ; All of them. NB When we breath out )Exhale/Respire) we breath outy carbon dioxide. B ; Volcanoes releaser carbon dioxide, together with other gases e,g, steam, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide , amongst other gases and liquid rocks. C ; We burn fossil fuels(petrol/gas/diesel) in cars and power stations. They also release CO2.

What is the processof metals removing oxygen from the metal oxide?

We can use carbon, because carbon wants to be carbon dioxide. Like tin oxide, SnO2. By adding carbon, at high temperatures, the carbon will pull out oxygen to form carbon dioxide, which is stable. The left over result is pure tin, along with other impurities and carbon dioxide gas, which is extracted from the tin.

Related questions

When the level of arterial carbon dioxide rise above normal?

respirations increase in rate and depth

What happens When the level of arterial carbon dioxide rises above normal?

respirations increase in rate and depth.

What is the name of the substance of carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is an inorganic gas. CO2 is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide.

Why the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air above a forest decreases during the day?

Plants and trees photosynthesise. The equation for this is: carbon dioxide + water (+ Light energy) = oxygen + glucose CO2 + H2O = O2 + C6H12O6 The levels of Carbon Dioxide are lowest near a forest is becasue of the process above. There will be more oxygen in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, becasue the plants are photosynthesising.

What are the levels of carbon dioxide from past to present?

During the past 500,000 years, levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere never rose above 300 ppm (parts per million) or 0.03%. Since the Industrial Revolution, 200 years ago, when we began burning coal, levels have risen to their present (2013) levels of 400 ppm (parts per million) or 0.04%.

Is carbon dioxide metal nonmetal or metalloid?

Actually none of the options given above are true for carbon dioxide. Though carbon and oxygen are both non-metals, carbon dioxide is considered as a compound.

How does the formation of sedimentary rocks reduce carbon dioxide levels?

Because sedimentary rocks are formed from tiny animals which have died and fallen to the sea bed millions of years ago. Due to more substances falling onto the sea bed above the animals, they are pressurized underground. Due to the heat of Earth's core, the animals are burnt under the ground, turning into fossil fuels.These animals contain carbon dioxide, and reduce the levels from the atmosphere by dying and travelling underground. This is how sedimentary rocks are a reason for reduced levels of carbon dioxide in the modern atmosphere.Other reasons are that the carbon dioxide dissolved into oceans which were formed millions of years ago. Also, the formation of plants reduced the carbon dioxide levels due to photosynthesis, as they intake it and do not replace it, as they produce oxygen and glucose as a result of photosynthesis.

Carbon is found in?

fossil fuels the soil and the ocean fruit and vegetables carbon dioxide all of the above

How does the spiny lobster obtain oxygen and give off carbon dioxide?

When lobsters are underwater they breath in oxygen, when they come above water they breath out carbon dioxide.

Which is a greenhouse gas A Carbon Dioxide B Water C Ozone D All of the Above?

Carbon dioxide, water, and ozone are all known greenhouse gases.

Is carbon-dioxide a non-metal?

Carbon Dioxide is a compound formed by a Carbon and Oxygen. Only an element can be classified as a metal, non-metal or a metalloid. Compounds cannot be classified in these categories. Carbon and oxygen both are non-metals.

What type of atmospher does Mars have?

Mainly Carbon Dioxide (About 95% Carbon Dioxide, 3% Nitrogen 1.6% Argon and .4% other). Above information taken from and