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it means that as the new rock is pushed upwards to the surface, its overlaps the older rock.

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Q: What is an older rock lie under younger rock mean?
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You could tell an older rock from a younger rock by looking at it because the older rock isochron would have a steeper slope.

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they are younger and extrusions are older. they are younger because the surrounding rock layers had to have been there first in order for it to appear. :)

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You may be referring to an "outlier" which is an area of older rocks surrounded by younger ones due to faulting and erosion removing layers of younger rocks and forcing older ones up into them. You may also potentially be referring to a xenolith. This is a fragment of older material that has not melted that is trapped within lava or other younger igneous material.

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older because it is at the bottom and the ones on top are younger than the bottoms

What processes might put younger rock beneath older rock?

the answer is cool

Do you find older rock above or below younger rock?

The law of superposition states: in horizontal rock layers, each layer is older than the one above it and younger than the one below it.

What does mean phrase younger over older in geology?

In layers of rock, the oldest rock will always be at the bottom. This is because it was laid down first. The rock gets "younger" as you go toward the surface, with the most recent layer the one that is exposed.

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Every layer of rock, as one moves up from the core, is younger than the one below it. This means that the layers of rock above and below the coal are different ages, with the one above younger and the one below older.

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Is an extrusion older or younger than the rock layer below it?

Extrusion is older than intrusion because, an extrusion is always younger than the rocks below it. An intrusion is always younger than the rock layers around and beneath it. Hope the answers correct ;)

Are layers of rock above and below the coal or older and younger?

Every layer of rock, as one moves up from the core, is younger than the one below it. This means that the layers of rock above and below the coal are different ages, with the one above younger and the one below older.