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A compound is formed when elements join together.

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Q: What is formed when elements join together?
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When two or elements are join together?

When two elements are join together the molecule of a compound is formed.

What are compounds and how are they formed?

Compounds are chemical substances that is formed when two or more different types of elements join together.

What do you call elements joinned together?

When two elements join together they are called a compound. Water is one of the most common compounds, formed from hydrogen and water.

What is formed when two or more elements are join together?

A chemical bond is formed when two or more atoms join together. There are several types of bonds depending on the chemicals.

What is formed in the occlusal surface when multiple cusps join together?

A fissure or a pit is formed in the occlusal surface when multiple cusps join together.

When to elements join together it is called?


Are compounds formed when atoms of two different elements join together?

Yes, two or more different atoms of two or more different elements will, when chemically bonded, make a chemical compound.

When elements join together do their properties stay the same?

No, when elements join together chemically the compounds formed are usually quite different. A very common example is table salt. It's composed on a soft metal, sodium, and a yellowish-green gas, chlorine, yet it's white, crystalline and fairly hard.

What is a macromolocule formed when monomers join together?


What Types of elements to covalent bonds join together?

Nonmetals mistly the diatomic elements

What is formed when atoms of two or more elements are linked together?

A molecule is formed

When elements are put together chemically what is formed?
