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Ozone, an unusual type of oxygen molecule that is relatively abundant in the stratosphere, heats this layer as it absorbs energy from incoming ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Which is the complete opposite of the behavior in the troposphere where temperatures drop with the increase in altitude.

Because of this temperature stratification, there is little convection and mixing in the stratosphere, so the layers of the air are quite stable. Commercial jet aircraft fly in the lower stratosphere to avoid turbulence which is common in the troposphere below.

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Q: What is found in the stratosphere and protects the earth from the suns radiation?
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Which of these protects the Earth from harmful radiation when found in the stratosphere?

Ozone protects earth from UV rays. It is present in the form of ozone layer.

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The ozone is found in stratosphere. It protects us from harmful UV rays.

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O3 is the gas mentioned above. It is the gas which protects us from harmful UVB rays in the Stratosphere. But when found closer can be harmful.

What layer of Earth is the ozone layer found in?

The ozone layer is found in the stratosphere region of the atmosphere. It protects us from the UV radiations of the sun.

What protects earth from UV rays?

Ozone (O3) which is found in the high stratosphere, has the ability to absorb UV rays which are harmful to plants and animals on earth.

What is a chemical found in the earth's atmosphere that absorbs radiation?

It is ozone. It protects us from the UV rays.

Which layer of the atmosphere ozone can be found how it helps sustain on earth functin and layer?

Ozone can be found in stratosphere. It protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

What can be found in stratosphere?

The stratosphere is the second layer of Earth's atmosphere and contains 15% of the mass found in Earth's atmosphere. The ozone can be found in the stratosphere. What you won't find there are planes and clouds.

Why is the ozone layer which is found in the stratosphere important for life on Earth?

The ozone layer protects us from the UV rays. These are harmful and fatal rays of the sun.