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lo-femenal and ferrous fumarate tablets are 28 pills used as a form of Birth Control. There are 21 white pills containing ethynyl estradiol, and the 7 brown pills ferrous fumarate.

The pills, when being prescribed, you are required to take it on the last day of your menustral cycle. When the pills reach the begining of the 7 brown pills ferrous fumarate, your period is expected to come within 2-3 days.

Side effects include nausea, bloating\weight gain (can be controlled with regular excercise), breast tenderness, appetite gain, increased acne (first two weeks), (a scheduled facial care is recommended to keep it under control), slight mood changes (anger, guilt, frustration, happiness, etc), fatigue (first month), light very regulated periods, slight dizziness within first two weeks (please be careful when driving).

side effects may vary on patients and other medications, however it does not interfere with any other medications like antibiotics, pain killers, skin pills.

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