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Q: What is naturally occurring gas in the stratosphere here that is considered a pollutant in the lower atmosphere?
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What is the naturally occurring gas in the stratosphere that is considered a pollutant in the lower atmosphere?

Ozone (O3).

What is a naturally occurring gas in the stratosphere that is considered a pollutant in the lower atmosphere?

Ozone (O3).

What is the natural occurring gas in the stratosphere that is considered a pollutant in the lower atmosphere?

Ozone (O3) is formed in the stratosphere, where it protects us from ultraviolet radiation. In the lower atmosphere ozone is considered a pollutant.

What is naturally occurring gas in the stratosphere?

Ozone is the naturally occurring gas in the stratosphere. The ozone forms a major part by absorbing the highly energetic UV radiation from the sun.

Is nitrogen natural or synthetic?

Nitrogen is found naturally, for example in the atmosphere.

Why dont you find sodium metal occurring naturally?

it's too reactive in earth's atmosphere.

Where is wind collected?

Wind is collected from the atmosphere. It is a naturally occurring phenomena that can be harnessed as an alternative energy source.

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An opal is considered to be a semi-precious stone. It is a naturally occurring glass.

Is an opal a gem?

An opal is considered to be a semi-precious stone. It is a naturally occurring glass.

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appy is the naturally occurring base.

Not naturally occurring?

Something that is not naturally occurring is man made.

Is naturally occurring a topaz?

Yes it is a naturally occurring mineral.