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Q: What is salinity and how does salinity change with depth?
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Related questions

Why does velocity of water change with depth?

The primary change is of pressure, increasing at 1 Bar per 10 metres of depth; but in the oceans, the temperature and salinity also alter in subtle ways.

What will happen to salinity if the depth of the ocean increases?

There are a number of things that could happen to the salinity of an ocean if it's depth increased. The salinity would likely also increase.

How does the salinity of the ocean change with depth?

The concentration of Saline [solution] at depth depends upon, for one thing, the degree of presence of [newly introduced in this case] fresh Water.

What factors affect density currents?

Temperature, salinity and total saturation of other minerals, depth.

What are some physical characteristics of the ocean?

Depth, salinity, currents, waves, and brightness.

A zone in which the ocean's salinity increases rapidly with increasing depth is called?


Average salinity of water of Arabian sea is?

35 It has a high, dense salinity layer of 37 parts per thousand to a depth of 400 feet

How would salinity change if some ocean water evaporated?

Salinity is increased.

What are abiotic factors for the ocean?

tide temperature salinity depth and and i cannot think of the fifth

How does salinity change in warm climates where water evaporates quickly?

Salinity is increased during time.

How does salinity change the properties of water?

Salinity causes the water to forget it's properties and relatives.

How do temperature and salinity relate to deep-current movement?

The density of the water increases with the salinity, so saline water is denser and sinks to the bottom. Temperature is also a factor, however. Cold, saline water is the densest