

What is the Valency of sulfur?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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The valency of sulfur is 2-. The valency of sulfur is 2-.

The valency of sulfur (S) is +2

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The element with an atomic number of 16 is sulfur. Sulfur has a valency of -2 as it is in group VI.

How do you identify valency of any atom?

The easiest way to determine the valency of an atom is to locate its place on the periodic table. Generally, it is useful to remember that metals tend to give away valence electrons where non metal atoms tend to obtain them. For example, sodium, a metal, is in group 1 has valency of 1. Sulfur, a non metal, is in group 16 and is 2 electrons away from its stable electron configuration, hence it has valency of 2.

Why is the valency of sulphate and sulphite same?

Coincidence! the oxidation number of sulfur in sufate is +6, in sulfite is +4. Sulfate is SO42-, sulfite is SO32- Personally I do not like using the word valency in this context, valency usually refers to elements- and is the number of bonds that an elemnt can form to other elemnts- it is an old term. In the context of ions charge seems to be a better word.

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Good question. Sulfur dioxide means there is 1 sulfur atom and 2 oxygen atoms, and is not giving any information about the valence or oxidation state. Think of this.... Carbon monoxide = CO and Carbon dioxide = CO2

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