

What is the age of rock layer C?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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go on Google and look for the answer because i don't know it either

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Q: What is the age of rock layer C?
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If it is above it, the rock layer came after the intrusion. if the intrusion went through the rock layer is older because they layer had to be there in order for the intrusion to go through.

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no, the relative age

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One of the biggest fallacies of fossil dating is that they use the rock layer to help determine the age of the fossils, but the fossils are also used to help determine the age of the rock layer.

What is the true age of a rock or fossil?

The method used will be determined by the rock type, but the age of a rock will be determined by a determination of the amount of decay of a radioactive isotope, either contained in the rock, or in a geologic layer of rock coinciding with a fossil.

What describes the characteristics of the Earth's mantle?

C.) the thickest layer of hot rock

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The C horizon contains only party weathered rock.

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Geologists use carbon-14 to interpret the relative age of rock layers

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