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The earth tilted on its axis as it is spinning and when it orbits the sun one pole is nearer the sun at one time and further away half a year later creating summer then winter, in between are spring and autumn. Whereas the opposite would be in effect for the other pole being closet to the sun when the opposite is furthest away at that point in the year. This concept can be transfered to different parts of the world.

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11y ago

The Earth is sitting on an axis that tilts 23.5 degrees. When the Earth rotates, parts of the axis are tilting towards or away from the sun. The Earth does not tilt, it rotates upon its axis and rotates around the sun. If it is Summer in the northern hemisphere, that means the Earth has made its way to a point in it's orbit where the axis is tilting towards the sun. If it is winter in the northern hemisphere, that means the Earth has reached a point in its orbit where the axis is tilting away.

It all has to do with rotation, not the Earth getting closer or farther from the sun.

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