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Climate change is not a chemical reaction, and it is not described by a chemical equation.

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Q: What is the chemical equation for climate change?
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What is the balance of chemical equation involve in evaporation?

Evaporation is not a chemical change and so there is no chemical equation.

What do scientists do to indicate a chemical change occurrence?

They write a chemical equation.

What is the relationship between coefficient and balance chemical equation?

balance chemical equation, change only the coefficients of the formulas.

What is the difference between chemical change chemical reaction chemical process and chemical equation?

Chemical change: this is a change involving the modification of chemical structure for reactants.Chemical reaction: this is the action leading to a chemia change.Chemical equation: this is the graphical representation of a chemical reaction.Chemical process: method to obtain a certain chemical product.

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You can only change the coefficients.

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you would change the coefficients

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It is important never to change a subscript {note correct spelling} in a chemical formula when balancing a chemical equation, because changing a subscript produces a formula that specifies a chemical substance different from the one in the original equation.

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Writing out a chemical equation for a specific chemical reaction.

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due to the chemical changes and climate change.

What are 5 key words in a chemical change?

These are: reaction, chemical formula, reactant, product, chemical equation.

Can a decimal be a coefficient in a chemical equation?

No! You can change coefficients as needed to balance an equation but you cannot just change a substance's subscripts.

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When you are balancing known reactants and known products which is always the case when you are asked to "balance" a chemical equation you must not change the subscripts as that changes the reactants or the products to a different chemical compound.