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The amazon rainforest is so big that it covers many countries like:

These countries are all in South America

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What is the nearest ocean to the Amazon Rainforest?

I am pretty sure that it is The Pacific ocean

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Is Amazon a country?

No. It's a tropical rainforest.

In which country is the Amazon rainforest best viewed?

Brazil, since the Amazon drains the country of Brazil.

What is the nearest airport to the Amazon rainforest?

i need an anser u stupid website

What country has most of the amazon rain forest in?

Brazil. The Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.

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How much land does the amazon rainforest cover in Peru?

The rainforest in Peru is the Amazon. The Peruvian Amazon comprises 60% of the country and is marked by a large degree of biodiversity.

Is the the amazon rainforest a temperate rainforest?

The Amazon Rainforest is a Tropical Rainforest

Is the amazon rain forest a country or continent?

obviously neither. its a rainforest

Which country in south America is most associated with the amazon rainforest?


What type of rainforest is the amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.