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Q: What is the number of lone electron pairs in the NO2- ion?
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What is the number of lone electron pairs in the NO2 ion?

NO2 only has one lone electron

How many lone pairs of electrons does NO2 have?


Is no2 a free radical?

Though nitrogen dioxide has a single lone electron, it is not a radical, but a stable molecule.

What is the electron domain of NO2?

It would be trigonal planar. The N central atom has a double bonded O and a single bonded O and one lone electron.

What is the bond angle for NO2?

134.3o. It is a bent molecule, but because of the additional electron pairs on the O atoms, the bond angle is deviated from 120o.

Why NO2 is bent in shape?

NO2 is an odd electron molecule - it has 17 valence electrons. There is one unpaired electron which "sits" on the nitrogen. The VSEPR model deals specifically with electron pair repulsion so strictly you can't use it to predict the shape. However what you do is assume that the lone pair orbital is only half filled and is not as repulsive as a true lone pair. So treat it as AX2E compound and therefore bent, but as E is not so repulsive the ONO angle opens out to be greater than 1200, which is in fact true, its 134 0

Is NO2 a odd electron species?


Why NO2 dimerise?

In the NO2 molecule the nitrogen atom has a single unpaired electron. The molecule will tend to dimerise so that this unpaired electron can be paired with another to form the N2O4 molecule.

What is the steric number of NO2?


What type of ligand is nitrogen dioxide?

It is not a ligand because does not have a lone pair of electrons but nitrite NO2-1 is a strong basic or strong field ligand.

Can there be a bond between nitrogen and oxygen?

Yes. The simplest molecule NO cannot follow the Octet Rule. Since there is an odd number of valence electrons, complete electron pairing is impossible. NO is a free radical with an unpaired electron, but is relatively stable and is an important in biological systems. The other odd electron oxide is NO2, this is more stable than NO and is in equilibrium with N2O4. There are many nitrogen oxides and oxo-anions NO3-, and NO2-. Nitrogen oxygen bonds can be single covalent bonds or double bonds (pi bonds).

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The final electron acceptor in photosynthesis is NADP+