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The oxidation state of iodine in the compound in the question is -1, as it is in any compound with a name that properly includes the word "iodide" instead of "iodine". "Iodide" is the name of the anion with formula I-1.

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Q: What is the oxidation state of iodine in tetrabutylammonium iodide?
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What is the difference betweet iodine and iodide?

In Iodine, the element is in 0 oxidation state, but in Iodide it is in -1. Iodine = I2 , Iodide = I- Iodine can exist freely, but Iodide cannot.

What is the difference between iodine and iodide?

iodine is a neutral molecule I2. and iodide is a negative charged ion I-. Iodine=Heavy rare element. Iodide=Compounds with iodine in formal oxidation state. I am pretty sure Iodine the the elemental name, but in reference to a compound Eg potassium iodide, you change the ending.

Why hydrogen iodide is a reducing agent?

Because it contains Iodine in its lower oxidation state of -1

What is the name of an iodine ion?

An iodide ion is an iodine atom with a −1 charge. Compounds with iodine in formal oxidation state −1 are called iodides. This can include ionic compounds such as caesium iodide or covalent compounds such as carbon tetraiodide.

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Aluminum (III) Iodide the aluminum uses it's +3 oxidation state therefore it is named Aluminum (III) and since it is ionic the Iodine just uses Iodide

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AlI3 The algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers of the combining atoms must equal zero. The oxidation state of Al3+ is balanced by three ions of iodine (I-).

What is 2 over 14 in the simplest form?

Aluminum (III) Iodide the aluminum uses it's +3 oxidation state therefore it is named Aluminum (III) and since it is ionic the Iodine just uses Iodide

What is the oxidation state of iodine in iodate?

Iodate ion is IO3-1 so oxidation state of iodine is +5.

What is the oxidation number of iodine in SO4 2-?

The oxidation number of a free element is zero. However, the oxidation number of elements (e.g. iodine) in compounds will not be zero. The actual oxidation number/state can be deduced if the chemical formula of the compound is given.

What is the oxidation state of ICl?

Iodine Monochloride (ICl) oxidation states : => Iodine = +1 => Chlorine = -1

What is the chemical formula for the compound formed between tin(IV) and iodine?

Tin has two oxidation states (II and IV), and exhibits approximately equal stability in both its II and IV oxidation state. The chemical formula Tin (II) Iodide is SnI2. The chemical formula for Tin (IV) Iodide is SnI4.