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It goes by valence electrons. The configuration of Sulfur is: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4. Sulfur has 6 valence the electrons in the 3s and 3p oribitals. So the principal quantum number, which is denoted by n, is equal to 3. Thus n=3 is for sulfur.

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Q: What is the principal quantum number of sulfur?
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What is the Quantum number of sulfur?

It goes by valence electrons. The configuration of Sulfur is: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4. Sulfur has 6 valence the electrons in the 3s and 3p oribitals. So the principal quantum number, which is denoted by n, is equal to 3. Thus n=3 is for sulfur.

Which quantum number is also called sub-shell quantum number?

This is the principal quantum number, n.

A figure indicating the relative sizes and energies of atomic orbitals?

principal quantum number

What is a principal quantam number?

The principal quantum number refers to the electron shell, or energy. Refer to the related link to read a Wikipedia article about quantum numbers.

What does the principal quantum number n designated?

it means the major level of orbital like 2S1, the 2 is the quantum number 3D4, the 3 is the quantum number

What is the second quantum number of the 3p1 electron in aluminum?

The principal quantum number n = 3 and the azimuthal or orbital angular momentum quantum number would be l =1 .l = 1

Can the principal quantum number be equal to one if the azimuthal number is two?

the answer is "no".

How is an electrons principal quatum number symbolized?

The principal quantum number of electrons has the symbol n.This number is always an integer.

Names and symbols of the four quantum numbers required to define the energy of electrons in atoms?

These are: principal quantum number (n), azimutal quantum number (ł), magnetic quantum number (m), spin quantum number (sd).

What information does the principal quantum number tell you?

The size of the orbital.

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How is an orbital principal quantum number related to the atoms major energy levels?

The principal quantum number describes the size of the orbital. Because they have opposite electrical charges, electrons MORE.