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The freezing point of salt water is lower than the freezing point of distilled water.

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The freezing point of ocean water is lower (approx. -2 to -3 0C).
This is normal because the ocean water is not pure - may contain approx. 30 g/L salts, especially chlorides.

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Q: What is the relationship between the freezing point of salt water and distilled water?
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Distilled water freezes first. This is because the presence of impurities in water lowers the freezing point of water and since tap water reasonably contains impurities, it will have a lower freezing point, that is it will freeze at a temperature less than 0oC. On the other hand, distilled water does not contain impurities and freezes at 0oC.

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It is the same thing. A melting point or freezing point is when a "material's" temperature stays the same. Then you can decide whether you want to freeze it or melt it by increasing or lowering the temperature.------Thats how my science teacher tought us.

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