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Plate Tectonics!

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Q: What is the scientific theory that says the large plates of the Earths outer crust float on the surface?
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Related questions

What is the theory that earths surface is made of movable plates?

Plate Tectonics.

Which the theory views the earths surface as composed of slowly moving plates?

Plate tectonics.

What is the theory that earths surface is divided into more than 12 slow moving plates?

That theory relates to Plate Tectonics.

What theory of the formation and movement of the plates that cover the earths surface?

the movement and formation of the plates or continents is caused by conduction under the crust.

What is the theory of formation and movement of the plates that cover the earths surface?

the movement and formation of the plates or continents is caused by conduction under the crust.

What scientific theory is not shown by the world map on earths plates?

gravity Also, ahhh, plate tectonics maybe ?

What is the scientific belief that Earth's surface is broken into a number of shifting slabs or plates?

This theory is called plate tectonics.

What do you call a scientific theory that earts crust is made up of moving plates?

I believe it is the Platonic Plates Theory

What process causes earths plates to move?

The process of 'earth plates moving' is Alfred Wageners theory of continental drift. This theory proposes that convenction currents in the earths mantle provides a 'cushion' on which the plates can move.

What theory explains the movement of the pieces of earths surface?

theory of plate tectonics

Which scientific theory is not shown by the world map of earth's plates?

the theory of plate tectonics

Plates of the lithosphere float on Core?

Plates of the lithosphere do not float on the core. They float on the asthenosphere (plastic mantle). Due to convection currents and the earths rotation, plates glide over the asthenosphere. This theory is the theory of Plate Tectonics.