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I think its called soil. . .

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Q: What is the soil in a forest called?
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What is removing forests and exposing the soil called?

Forest Harvesting.

In the eastern US deciduous forest have soils called?

in the eastern us deciduous foresrt has soil called

Why is soil hotter in a field than in a forest?

The soil in the forest is shaded by the trees. The soil in the field gets direct sun.

Why is it necessary to incorporate forest soil along with a forest tree when is transplanted to a treeless area?

It is necessary to incorporate forest soil along with a forest tree because a forest tree is already adapted to the forest soil. This soil is rich with nutrients which a tree really needs. These nutrients are needed by the forest tree in order to survive regardless of the change in location.

What is the soil type in the temperate forest?

well if you mean condition... the soil in a temperate forest is fertile with a light brown color. -w3lc0m3! ;) Diana

How would the soil in a tropical rainforest be different from the soil in a tropical forest that has a wet season and a dry season?

Unlike soil in a tropical forest, the humus layer of the rain forest soil is very thin.

Why is it necessary to incorporate forest soil along with a tree when it is transplanted to a treeless area?

It is necessary to incorporate forest soil along with a forest tree because a forest tree is already adapted to the forest soil. This soil is rich with nutrients which a tree really needs. These nutrients are needed by the forest tree in order to survive regardless of the change in location.

What is mountain soil?

mountain soil include peat,meadow,forest and hill soils.these soils are found in the hilly mountainous regions

Which soil is made from ancient forest?

pale soil

What is the soil like in a forest?


What are the uses of forest soil?

forest soil is commonly use to plant decorative shrubs and herbs since they are made up of mile alluvial soil

What forest has rich deep soil?

temperate deciduous forest