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An atom of fluorine has 9 electrons in total. Electrons are equal to protons when the atom isn't an ion, and the number of protons is also the atomic number of the element, so you just need to know the atomic number to find out the number of electrons or protons.

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The total number of electrons found in the valence shell of a Halogen in the ground state is 7. The Halogens which are reactive nonmetals are in Group 17.

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A fluorine atom in the ground state has 7 valence electrons.

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Q: What is the total number of valence electrons in a fluorine atom you n the ground state?
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A fluorine atom in the ground state has 7 valence electrons.

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Since fluorine and chlorine are in family 7A, they each have 7 valence electrons. The number of the family corresponds to the number of valence electrons.

What is the valance number for fluorine?

7 valence electrons

How many valence electrons are in the element fluorine and do the same for chlorine and bromine?

The number of valence electrons is seven.

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it has 7 valence electrons, which is the number of electrons on the outer energy level, so it needs 7.

Fluorine and chlorine have similar?

i think it has the same number of valence electrons

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The total number of valence electrons in Boron's ground state is 2

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A Fluorine atom has an atomic number of 9. Draw out the electron shell diagram for Fluorine. Is a Fluorine atom more likely to gain, lose or share electrons to fill its valence shell?

How many valence electrons are present in a fluoride ion?

Fluorine has 7 valence electrons, however, Fluoride (F-) is an anion with a negative charge, giving it one more electron, bumping the number of valence electrons to 8.

Explain the number of protons and electrons if a fluorine ion has a -1 charge?

Fluorine has 7 valence shell electrons. If it has a formal charge of (-1) that means that it has 8 non bonding electrons. Its atomic number is 9 therefore the fluorine anion (F-1) has 8 electrons and 9 protons.

What is the number of electrons in the valence shell of an atom of aluminum in the ground state?

2 valence electrons are in an aluminum atom in the ground state.

How many electrons are in a fluorine ion?

in a normal F- ion there are 10 electrons total (but 8 in the outer energy level)