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get up under the a desk and hold your hands over your head

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Q: What kind of safety procedure do you take at school for a tornado?
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Related questions

How do you defeat a regular tornado?

You cannot "defeat" a tornado of any kind. All you can do is take cover to ensure your safety. The best place to be is in a basement or cellar.

Should students have cellphone in school?

yes to call there parents after school and that kind of safety stuff

What is the Class size in middle school in the Occupational Safety and Health Act?

The Occupational Safety and Health Act does not address class size in any kind of school.

Is a tornado a landform?

No, a tornado is a kind of violent windstorm.

What does A vortex have to do with an tornado?

A tornado is a kind of vortex. Air in a tornado rotates rapidly. Additionally, a tornado may contain multiple smaller vortices.

What kind of funnel cloud touches the ground?

the tornado kind

What is the relationship with tornado and vortex?

A tornado is itself a kind of vortex, and can have smaller vortices inside of it.

Is a vortex like a tornado?

A tornado is a kind of vortex so yes, in some ways.

What is a tornado emergency?

A tornado emergency is a special kind of tornado warning that is issued when a large tornado is threatening a populated area. A tornado emergency indicates a more dangerous situation than an ordinary tornado warning.

Can A Tornado Happen With No Clouds?

No, it can not happen. You will always need a cloud to form a tornado. The kind of cloud that a tornado uses is a cumulonimbus cloud.

What kind of tornado is formed on water?


What kind of circulation is a tornado?

A tornado is a violent microscale circulation with a low pressure center and forms from a thunderstorm.