

What measures Earth's vibrations?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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seismograph seismograph seismograph seismograph

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Q: What measures Earth's vibrations?
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Why is an oscilloscope used to measure sound waves?

An osciloppe measures oscillations. Oscillations are vibrations. And vibrations are sound waves.

What is instrument use to measure tremors or vibrations of the earths surface?


What are the intense vibrations felt throughout earths crust during an earthquake?

Siesmac waves

How does s-waves an p-waves vibrations revealed about earths interior?

when the crust breacks apart it reveles objects beneth earths iner crust.

How are earthquake vibrations used to study earths layers?

These vibrations change speeds and directions when they go into different layers of the Earth.

What is the instrument that detects measures and records the energy of earthquackes vibrations called?

It's called Seismometers

Which instrument measures and records vibrations within the earth and on the earth surface?

This is known as a seismometer or seismograph.

What is a siesmogrph?

it is a thing that measures earthquakes seismograph-: an apparatus to measure and record vibrations within the earth and of the ground

How does a seismograph record a strong earthquake and a weak earthquake?

A seismograph measures the vibrations given off by an earthquake. Even the smallest earthquakes give off these vibrations.

What is the last step of a earthquake?

the final step of an earhquake is tge energy takes the form of vibrations that move through earths crust

Seismic shaking is a msasure of?

Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel through the earths surface and is measured bye the shaking you feel.