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Q: What outer planet can be seen from earth without the aid of a telescope?
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This outer planet can be seen from earth without the aid of a telescope?

This outer planet can be seen from earth without the aid of a telescope.

Which outer planet can be seen from earth without the aid of a telescope?

There are 5 planets that are visible to the naked eye and can be seen without the aid of a telescope. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Which planet is an outer planet Earth or Uranus?

Uranus is an outer planet.

Does earth have a outer planet or a inner planet?

Earth does not have planets, it is a planet.

Is earth inner or outer planet?

it is outer

Which is the planet that you cant see from earth with any telescope?

Mercury is the most unlikely to be viewed because of its proximity to the sun, but it can be viewed with special equipment, like a light filter. All outer planets can be viewed with a telescope depending on the planets position relative to Earth.

Is earth a inner or outer planet?

inner planet

Where is the Hubble Space Telescope?

In outer space; in orbit around Earth.

Is Eris a inner planet or outer planet?

Eris is an OUTER planet. The only inner planets are mercury, venus, earth and mars. An outer planet is not related to the size of the planet but rather the distance from the sun.

What is Jupiter inner or outer?

Outer planet....outside the orbit of the earth.

What is the most outer solid of the planet Earth?

The Earth's Crust

What planet is not considered a outer planet?

Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury.