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Plants usually grow in soils of all types but are only covered in red rusty soil if they get covered in dust.

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Q: What plant is covered by red dusty soil?
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A rocky planet covered by red dusty soil?


Is Mars covered by red dusty soil?

Well if you have been blind since 1534 BC, when it was discovered by Egyptian astronomers, you wouldn't know, would you?

What coler is the plant Mars?

its red . dusty dry and deserted. nicknames "the red planet"

What are the uses of red soil?

red soil is used to plant the tress

What planet is Covered with red soil made by iron oxide?

i think mars

What is the soil type in Australia?

The Northern Territory of Australia is very rocky, covered by shallow, mildly acidic, low fertility soil. The alpine areas are covered in peat and humus soil mixed with rocks. The humid regions have sandy, and red and yellow clay.

What kind of plant life protects the soil from erosion?

purple vetch or red clover.

Which soil would be considered of highest quality and predicted to sustain plant growth best?

red soil with high organic matter

What crops are grown in red soil in India?

tobacco plant, mohonia, hakonechloa etc...

What plants can be grown in red soil?

If the soil is red, it could be clay, which is not too hospitable to growing plants. If you want to plant in clay, you can follow the advice, below, to amend the soil. Then you may be able to grow plants that thrive in your climate.

The red planet?

Mars is the red planet, because it looks red on close approaches. The next close approach will be in the spring of 2014, you can have a look at it then.

What are the 2 uses of red soil?

plant trees,making ceramic pots and pans and for making bricks